
How to Install Foam Pipe Insulation


Abst: As a mater of fact, it is a good idea to keep all water pipes insulated, and this is where the foam pipe insulation steps up. If you do not deal with the insulation, you have to bear in mind that you would have to deal with frozen water pipes through winter.

As a mater of fact, it is a good idea to keep all water pipe insulated, and this is where the foam pipe insulation steps up. If you do not deal with the insulation, you have to bear in mind that you would have to deal with frozen water pipes through winter. Generally, pipes that are not insulated have the tendency to loose heat much faster than pipes that do have insulation. When you do insulate the hot water pipes of your home, you will notice a vast decrease in the energy bill at the end of every month. It is a well known method, and is highly recommended that you make use of the foam pipe insulation.

The preparation process you would need to do is to clean the pipes that you are planning on insulating. You have to be sure that you make use of the mildest detergent that you can find, this will in the long run prevent any rust from forming. If you do make use of a stronger detergent, you would experience rust in time. And the underground pipes would have to be done before installation. Once you have the pipes all cleaned up, allow them to dry before placing the insulation on them. The sizes in which the insulation is made does vary and you really require a tight fit in order for the insulation to take effect. There are more than one sort of pipe insulation that is for sale, all that you have to do is make your choice with the environment in mind.

The standard form of foam pipe insulation is completed by wrapping the insulation around the water pipe, you would then have to use tape in order for it to stay in place. You are able to overlap of up to one half of an inch if required. The other form of insulation is the tubular sleeves, this is by far the easiest to apply, all that you need to ensure is that it is also held in place by duct tape. The sizes hereof are something that you do need to bear in mind, as you are not able to put a narrow piece of a wider pipe.

The whole pipe has to be covered in order for this insulation to work properly. The special attention areas are the T-joints and the corners of the pipes. It is possible for you to cut small slits as well as angles of the foam pipe insulation which would make sure that the pipes are well covered. And the duct tape should be applied in all places as well as the corners, as this place could always be neglected by most people, but it can freeze as well.